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All About Practicing

There is an ongoing homework assignment in band: to review what we've done during one class, and come to the next class prepared to learn more. 

Every band member should want to become a better musician and should have pride in themselves and in the quality of the group. If we're going to respect group rehearsal time and have fun playing together when we're at school…as much as you can, FIGURE OUT YOUR NOTES AT HOME. Fix the things that you can by yourself, then I can help you put it all together at school. 

Of course, if you need help, just ask!!

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Before we get into some strategies, let's watch a video on the basics of reading music...

Hey I Just Met You....png
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Starting A New Piece

When you're first getting started, break large sections down into bite-sized sections and repeat them.​..

1. Find a spot

Play through the section and find a spot that's hard. 

2. Figure it out (The pencil is your friend!!)

So what's the problem, fingering?...look it up and write it in!  Rhythm?...count it out and write it in! Whatever is going to help.

3. Repeat, repeat

Stick to that small section. Keep it slow for a while, so you're sure it's correct...repeat, it until it's easy.

4. Find another spot

Maybe it's only three notes?...two?  However small it is, fix it. Keep it slow, so you're sure it's correct...repeat, it until it's easy.

5. Connect the small sections

Connect the small parts you've been fixing. Keep it slow until you start to feel the flow. It'll speed up naturally with more repetitions.

Before you know it, you'll have those large, difficult sections conquered!!

Using the Recordings

CLICK HERE to listen

Once you've gotten the notes and rhythms covered, here are 3 steps to get a fast flow to your music in only 15-20 minutes!!

1. Listen actively to the recording (2-4 minutes)

Listening actively means following along in your music. Circle some parts that you know will need work.

2. Free practice (10 minutes)

Focus on the parts you circled while you were listening.

3. Play along with the recording (2-4 minutes)

Sure, you'll probably mess up on some parts, but it'll push you so you know what you still have to work on...and it's a lot of fun!

Do this a couple times a week, and you're sure to breeze through your pieces like a pro!

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